

Vancouver, British Columbia   Joined April 16th, 2018
32 Instructables   92,909 Views   398 Comments   75 Followers

Hi! I'm Isaac. I'm an 18 year old maker that can't keep my hands still. I aspire to show all other young people out there that you can be a great maker, no matter how old you are.

zakbobdop's Instructables

The Boardrun - an Interchangeable Marble Run

The Boardrun - an Interchangeable Marble Run

Pegboard Pinball

Pegboard Pinball

Garbage Guns

Garbage Guns

Making a LEGO Breadboard

Making a LEGO Breadboard

Swiss Army Pen

Swiss Army Pen

Tiny Golf, the Mini Golf Hole on Your Desk

Tiny Golf, the Mini Golf Hole on Your Desk

String Pong

String Pong

Surfing Pikachu Fountain

Surfing Pikachu Fountain

Marble Modules: an Engineering Activity for Kids

Marble Modules: an Engineering Activity for Kids

The Secret Cylinder Labyrinth Safe

The Secret Cylinder Labyrinth Safe

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