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3 Instructables   23,835 Views   7 Comments   7 Followers

wavlew's Instructables

Use Ikea Billy Bookshelves As a 3D Printing Cabinet

Use Ikea Billy Bookshelves As a 3D Printing Cabinet

Lift Your TV With a Roller Shutter Motor and a Safety Belt

Lift Your TV With a Roller Shutter Motor and a Safety Belt

Repair a Liebherr Refrigerator With Wine Cooler Compartment SBSes7165 (SWTNes3010 and SKBes4213)

Repair a Liebherr Refrigerator With Wine Cooler Compartment SBSes7165 (SWTNes3010 and SKBes4213)

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10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Repair and Reuse Contest