

0   Joined April 4th, 2007
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I'm an Emu. As a young chick my parents use to feed me watermelon and I loved it so much everyone nick named me, you guessed it, watermelon. Now that I have moved away from home I rarely get to eat any watermelon so whenever I think I hear the word "watermelon" my head naturally pops up and I respond with the question "Watermelon?" just as my persona image shows.

watermelon's Instructables

Build Your Own Supercomputer

Build Your Own Supercomputer

Wrist and Ankle Weights

Wrist and Ankle Weights

Build a Pixel Nanobot

Build a Pixel Nanobot

How to Extract Dino DNA

How to Extract Dino DNA

Hobo Hideable Throw Away Stove

Hobo Hideable Throw Away Stove

Build a Low Tech CFV Stove

Build a Low Tech CFV Stove

Grow a Square Watermelon

Grow a Square Watermelon

Start a Fire With Air

Start a Fire With Air

Hook a Book

Hook a Book

Book Shelf? ...what Book Shelf?

Book Shelf? ...what Book Shelf?

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