

0   Joined March 26th, 2011
5 Instructables   946,061 Views   115 Comments   231 Followers

Vigo is an electronics enthusiast with a passion to bring back the nostalgia of the past. His goal is to share major projects that anyone can follow and do, especially those on a tight budget.

vigothecarpathian's Instructables

Animatronic Singing Beaker-bot

Animatronic Singing Beaker-bot

A Super Easy Arcade Machine From 1 Sheet of Plywood

A Super Easy Arcade Machine From 1 Sheet of Plywood

Make Action Figures From Soap

Make Action Figures From Soap

Make Your Own Egg Weeble Wobble Toys

Make Your Own Egg Weeble Wobble Toys

Turn a Super NES Into a Universal Game Player

Turn a Super NES Into a Universal Game Player

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