

Canada   Joined May 9th, 2014
7 Instructables   580,757 Views   27 Comments   270 Followers

Hi, my name is Ilona. I love to make things out of materials that are seemingly garbage. I joined instructables to share my ideas and techniques for reusing and transforming our waste into something more useful and beautiful. My Etsy shop has more of my work www.upmade.etsy.com, and sometimes I post on the 'upmade' facebook page

upmade's Instructables

DIY PICTURE FRAME From Cardboard and Decorative Materials

DIY PICTURE FRAME From Cardboard and Decorative Materials

DIY Cardboard Cat Scratch Pad Upcycled Produce Box

DIY Cardboard Cat Scratch Pad Upcycled Produce Box

How To: Upcycle an Old Painting Reusing Cut-Outs From Magazines, Comics, Catalogs - Collage and Painting Techniques - Marvel Avengers Iron Man Hulk Deadpool

How To: Upcycle an Old Painting Reusing Cut-Outs From Magazines, Comics, Catalogs - Collage and Painting Techniques - Marvel Avengers Iron Man Hulk Deadpool

DIY Upcycled Skirt From 2 Men's Shirts - No Waste Tutorial by Upmade

DIY Upcycled Skirt From 2 Men's Shirts - No Waste Tutorial by Upmade

Upcycled Goodies

Upcycled Goodies

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