

San Antonio   Joined October 11th, 2014
5 Instructables   97,858 Views   47 Comments   113 Followers

I started working with leather in order to replace a wallet. It became a hobby that became a passion that became therapy that is turning into a business. My web page is a little out of date, but you can see the full gallery of my work on my facebook page. Eventually I will be loading all of those projects on here with instructions as well as some new videos. If there is something you want to see in particular let me…

tony.fantasia's Instructables

Mustang Leather Tool Roll

Mustang Leather Tool Roll

Tomahawk Sheath, Haft Wrap, and Belt Holster

Tomahawk Sheath, Haft Wrap, and Belt Holster

Knife Sheath Mod

Knife Sheath Mod

Motorcycle Saddle Bags

Motorcycle Saddle Bags

Hessian Soldier Mask and Accessories

Hessian Soldier Mask and Accessories

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