

Preferably Underwater   Joined April 8th, 2009
87 Instructables   4,452,586 Views   10,253 Comments   3,233 Followers

My name is Troy. I'm a Mechatronics and Aerospace Engineer. I make things out of wood and electronics and spend time outdoors (especially SCUBA diving).

tomatoskins's Instructables

Paracord Hammock

Paracord Hammock

Mesmerizing Magnetic Wall Clock

Mesmerizing Magnetic Wall Clock

Automated Perpetual Calendar

Automated Perpetual Calendar

Cryptic Wall Clock

Cryptic Wall Clock

Custom Tool Wall

Custom Tool Wall

Wooden Magic 8-Ball

Wooden Magic 8-Ball

Compact Dust Collector

Compact Dust Collector

Wireless Charging Station

Wireless Charging Station

Benchtop Disc Sander

Benchtop Disc Sander

Perfect Workbench

Perfect Workbench

View all Instructables