

Rochford, United Kingdom   Joined January 5th, 2007
33 Instructables   1,619,414 Views   452 Comments   232 Followers

Hi, I'm Tim. I work on the railways during the day, run a scout troop and have a blog (see above website link) where I discuss my allotment and projects!

tim_n's Instructables

Fixing a Caravan/bike Cylinder Lock

Fixing a Caravan/bike Cylinder Lock

Leather Tankard

Leather Tankard

The Windscreen Wiper Hog Roaster

The Windscreen Wiper Hog Roaster

Making Beer Bread

Making Beer Bread

Cooking a Fish in Newspaper

Cooking a Fish in Newspaper

Sweet Pepperdew Peppers

Sweet Pepperdew Peppers

How to Replace a Window

How to Replace a Window

Permanent Hammock Stand

Permanent Hammock Stand

Raised Beds

Raised Beds

Cinema Room and Bar (aka "The Man Cave")

Cinema Room and Bar (aka "The Man Cave")

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