

United Kingdom   Joined April 16th, 2022
10 Instructables   13,625 Views   0 Comments   9 Followers

TekMaker is a channel designed to help people of all ages and abilities to learn about and build projects for Computers and Electronics. I worked in Electronics for 25+ years including design work and been involved in computer servicing, networking and programming for over 20 years. I hope to produce videos that are simple enough for any age or ability. Rather than just making projects to use once and then put on the shelf I will endeavour to make projects that will connect or work together …

tekmakeruk's Instructables

An Experimental Magnetic Loop Driven by Android and a Stepper Motor

An Experimental Magnetic Loop Driven by Android and a Stepper Motor

Things to Do With an SDR, Using Windows 10 or 11, a Macbook or Linux PC or Laptop

Things to Do With an SDR, Using Windows 10 or 11, a Macbook or Linux PC or Laptop

Network SDR - Lend Me Your Aerial and Radio!

Network SDR - Lend Me Your Aerial and Radio!

Amateur Radio - DMR - Radio Setup

Amateur Radio - DMR - Radio Setup

My HF Transceiver Projects - Yaesu FT-101 and Sommerkamp FT-277E

My HF Transceiver Projects - Yaesu FT-101 and Sommerkamp FT-277E

RGB Photoflood - the Hardware, an Arduino Project

RGB Photoflood - the Hardware, an Arduino Project

Remote Control of a Raspberry Pi SDR Over a Network

Remote Control of a Raspberry Pi SDR Over a Network

Building SDR++ From Source Code on a Raspberry PI 4 4GB

Building SDR++ From Source Code on a Raspberry PI 4 4GB

Creating YouTube Videos and Audio Recording Process

Creating YouTube Videos and Audio Recording Process

Receiving Weather Satellites on a Raspberry Pi or Linux

Receiving Weather Satellites on a Raspberry Pi or Linux

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