

In a solder-smoke fume-filled garage haxxing all your circuitz!1!11!one!   Joined November 8th, 2006
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technick29's Instructables



[Uber Drinks] the Ultimate Pineapple Smoothie

[Uber Drinks] the Ultimate Pineapple Smoothie

Speaker Tee: a Reality [Beta]

Speaker Tee: a Reality [Beta]

Astounding Stilts!

Astounding Stilts!

You Amplify My Life -- Share the Love

You Amplify My Life -- Share the Love

HPC Prize -- Magnetized!

HPC Prize -- Magnetized!

LED Sock Puppet!

LED Sock Puppet!

The Evil Button: That Was Evil

The Evil Button: That Was Evil

EPirate Costume: a Modern Take on Piracy

EPirate Costume: a Modern Take on Piracy

It's a Pumpkin Eat Pumpkin World...

It's a Pumpkin Eat Pumpkin World...

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