

Northern California   Joined August 16th, 2009
31 Instructables   1,089,288 Views   108 Comments   335 Followers

talk2bruce's Instructables

Raspberry Pi Internet Monitor

Raspberry Pi Internet Monitor

Laser Cut Raspberry Pi LCD Case

Laser Cut Raspberry Pi LCD Case

Raspberry Pi Motion Sensitive Camera

Raspberry Pi Motion Sensitive Camera

Raspberry Pi PirateBox

Raspberry Pi PirateBox

The Musical Maker Mannequin

The Musical Maker Mannequin

USB Control of AC Powered Signs and Lamps

USB Control of AC Powered Signs and Lamps

Augmented Reality 3D Nomad Space Probe

Augmented Reality 3D Nomad Space Probe

3D Printed Star Trek Enterprise

3D Printed Star Trek Enterprise

Low Cost 3D Printer Filament Spool Stand

Low Cost 3D Printer Filament Spool Stand

3D Printed Nomad Space Probe

3D Printed Nomad Space Probe

View all Instructables


100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

1M+ Views

Earned a silver medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Epilog Challenge VI

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Off the Grid Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the LED Contest with Elemental LED

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Arduino Challenge

Contest Winner

Third Prize in the National Robotics Week Robot Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the USB Contest