

London   Joined February 13th, 2019
15 Instructables   104,349 Views   33 Comments   174 Followers

Somebody once thought they could fix a plug socket using chopsticks. They caused a meltdown and burnt down a town. If only they'd watched T3ch Flicks!

t3chflicks's Instructables

Smart Buoy [Waterproofing, Dashboards and Deploy]

Smart Buoy [Waterproofing, Dashboards and Deploy]

Levitating Chinese Lantern

Levitating Chinese Lantern

How to Make a Home Lab

How to Make a Home Lab

Zombie Detecting Smart Security Owl (Deep Learning)

Zombie Detecting Smart Security Owl (Deep Learning)

Super Weather Station Hanging Basket

Super Weather Station Hanging Basket

Smart Buoy - Scheduling Power to the System

Smart Buoy - Scheduling Power to the System

Make Your Own Widgets Easily - Speedy BPM Counter

Make Your Own Widgets Easily - Speedy BPM Counter

Smart Buoy [ GPS, Radio (NRF24) and a SD Card Module ]

Smart Buoy [ GPS, Radio (NRF24) and a SD Card Module ]

Smart Buoy - [Making Wave and Temperature Measurements]

Smart Buoy - [Making Wave and Temperature Measurements]

Smart Buoy [Summary]

Smart Buoy [Summary]

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