

San Francisco   Joined February 21st, 2006
11 Instructables   236,715 Views   75 Comments   30 Followers

My LED (I mean flashlight) Gummies profile photo is inspired by the LED Throwies.

susie's Instructables

Instant Low Sugar Limoncello

Instant Low Sugar Limoncello

Egg in a Blanket

Egg in a Blanket

Brown Puffed Rice Treats (aka Rice Krispies Treats)

Brown Puffed Rice Treats (aka Rice Krispies Treats)

Greek Cabbage Rolls

Greek Cabbage Rolls

Dark Chocolate Dipped Cherry - Individual Size!

Dark Chocolate Dipped Cherry - Individual Size!

Snake Catcher

Snake Catcher

Become a Granola Making Liberal

Become a Granola Making Liberal

The "Paper Pulper" Manual Paper Shredder

The "Paper Pulper" Manual Paper Shredder

Eco Silver Polishing

Eco Silver Polishing

Eco Beanbag Chair

Eco Beanbag Chair

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