

Munich   Joined October 16th, 2021
8 Instructables   36,237 Views   38 Comments   20 Followers

Loves to play with things - 70s retro computing and microcontrollers is my interest at the moment.

slviajero's Instructables

A Arduino RP2040 Standalone IoT Computer Running BASIC.

A Arduino RP2040 Standalone IoT Computer Running BASIC.

Build 80s Style Home Computers From Scratch From Arduino Components

Build 80s Style Home Computers From Scratch From Arduino Components

A VGA Computer Based on ESP32 and FabGL With Sound, Graphics, and Network.

A VGA Computer Based on ESP32 and FabGL With Sound, Graphics, and Network.

The 10 Euro IoT Computer With ESP 8266

The 10 Euro IoT Computer With ESP 8266

Use I2C EEPROMs As a File System on an Arduino

Use I2C EEPROMs As a File System on an Arduino

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