

katy   Joined October 25th, 2010
25 Instructables   202,051 Views   105 Comments   77 Followers

I am a former active duty Marine. I am married and have two cats. I love learning new things, tools, and sharing/ trading skills and ideas with others. For 2018 I plan to release an instructable every month. My Instructables will be centered around woodworking and leatherworking. However, there may be some random ones dealing with other materials. I will always be willing to help out a fellow Instructable user.

sircaptaintigerotter's Instructables

Leather Coaster

Leather Coaster

Slime Monster With Following Eye Illusion

Slime Monster With Following Eye Illusion

Skin Leather Bag for "Everything".

Skin Leather Bag for "Everything".

Leather Zombie Mask

Leather Zombie Mask

All Leather Sunglasses Made From Leather Scrapes

All Leather Sunglasses Made From Leather Scrapes

3D Printed Two Peg Spool Knitting - the Beginning

3D Printed Two Peg Spool Knitting - the Beginning

How to Create an Invisible Person

How to Create an Invisible Person

How to Create a Bionic Egg

How to Create a Bionic Egg

Big Grinning Cartoon Skull

Big Grinning Cartoon Skull

Leather Gift Card Holder

Leather Gift Card Holder

View all Instructables