

0   Joined March 7th, 2005
56 Instructables   3,155,913 Views   26 Comments   354 Followers

saul's Instructables

Bamboo Chalk Holder.

Bamboo Chalk Holder.

Life Changing Egg Trick

Life Changing Egg Trick

Training Wheels for Your Helicopter.

Training Wheels for Your Helicopter.

Bamboo Dining Table and Benches

Bamboo Dining Table and Benches

Assembling the 8020 Chopper

Assembling the 8020 Chopper

Open a Bottle of Wine With a Piece of String.

Open a Bottle of Wine With a Piece of String.

Tin Can Stilts

Tin Can Stilts

Vacuum Cannon (revisited)

Vacuum Cannon (revisited)

Wrench Xylophone

Wrench Xylophone

Rain Detector

Rain Detector

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