

Cumbria, UK   Joined February 18th, 2006
34 Instructables   1,421,478 Views   117 Comments   1,207 Followers

robives's Instructables

Wire Worm Gear

Wire Worm Gear

Camera Remote Footpedal

Camera Remote Footpedal

Train Whistle From Corrugated Card

Train Whistle From Corrugated Card

Retractable Castors for a Mitre Saw

Retractable Castors for a Mitre Saw

Paper Trump. Tremendous!

Paper Trump. Tremendous!

3D Printed Geneva Drive

3D Printed Geneva Drive

Dual Coffee Timer : OLED & Arduino

Dual Coffee Timer : OLED & Arduino

Laser Galvo - Arduino Controlled

Laser Galvo - Arduino Controlled

Poppy Hack

Poppy Hack

Tubeable Paper Pipes

Tubeable Paper Pipes

View all Instructables


100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

1M+ Views

Earned a silver medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Grand Prize in the Cardboard Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Pumpkin Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Craft Contest