

0   Joined February 25th, 2014
16 Instructables   1,266,404 Views   39 Comments   1,318 Followers

Hey there! I'm recent graduate of Carnegie Mellon University's Industrial Design program and a former Instructables intern. When I'm not working in a studio I enjoy exploring cities by bike and brainstorming new projects. Fun fact: I once meowed at a stray cat and it meowed back.

rlciavar's Instructables

Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting

Flat Pack Laser Cut Chair

Flat Pack Laser Cut Chair

Laser Cut Stencil Bandana

Laser Cut Stencil Bandana

Mold Making

Mold Making

How to Create a Laser Cut File in Illustrator

How to Create a Laser Cut File in Illustrator

How to Make Molds

How to Make Molds

2-part Brush-on Silicone Mold

2-part Brush-on Silicone Mold

Lifecast With Silicone

Lifecast With Silicone

2 Part Silicone Mold

2 Part Silicone Mold

Chocolate Molecule Chocolate Mold

Chocolate Molecule Chocolate Mold

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