

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis   Joined March 14th, 2020
76 Instructables   62,164 Views   2 Comments   30 Followers

During the COVID-19 crisis, all of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship's religious services moved into an online-only format. I generally organize Sunday school activities for the children of the Fellowship which occur on Sundays during our service. The crafts on my page are meant to accompany our Religious Exploration storytelling podcasts, and they are designed to be constructed with materials that are hopefully easily available in your home. Many of the podcast episodes can be found at htt…

reassociate's Instructables

Interdependent Web of All Existence

Interdependent Web of All Existence

UUFC Children's Library Instructions

UUFC Children's Library Instructions

Golden Repair

Golden Repair

Mabon Leaves for Autumn Reflections

Mabon Leaves for Autumn Reflections

Bee Pool

Bee Pool

Jar of Dreams

Jar of Dreams

Darts and Dice of Hope for Lughnasadh

Darts and Dice of Hope for Lughnasadh

Lughnasadh Hopes and Fears

Lughnasadh Hopes and Fears

Litha Fairy Wand Hunt

Litha Fairy Wand Hunt

Buzzy Little Bee

Buzzy Little Bee

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