

0   Joined February 14th, 2018
12 Instructables   37,497 Views   8 Comments   24 Followers

I like designing useful devices. Also, I’m a vegan.

rarinn's Instructables

Another Vegan Gingerbread With High Protein Content

Another Vegan Gingerbread With High Protein Content

Puny Induction Heater That Can Act As a Terrible Vape

Puny Induction Heater That Can Act As a Terrible Vape

Vegan Gingerbread Made With Rye and Corn Flours, and Soy Protein Isolate

Vegan Gingerbread Made With Rye and Corn Flours, and Soy Protein Isolate

Corn Gingerbread

Corn Gingerbread

DIY Powered Air-purifying Respirator

DIY Powered Air-purifying Respirator

Fast and Easy Quick Bread

Fast and Easy Quick Bread

Alternately Occluding Dichoptic Modifier of Stereoscopic Transmission 32 [STM32F103C8T6+STMAV340 VGA Superimposer]

Alternately Occluding Dichoptic Modifier of Stereoscopic Transmission 32 [STM32F103C8T6+STMAV340 VGA Superimposer]

CPU & GPU Driven Fan Controller

CPU & GPU Driven Fan Controller

E.T. - UHF Indoor TV Antenna

E.T. - UHF Indoor TV Antenna

Alternately Occluding Dichoptic  Modifier of Stereoscopic Transmission [ATmega328P+HEF4053B VGA Superimposer]

Alternately Occluding Dichoptic Modifier of Stereoscopic Transmission [ATmega328P+HEF4053B VGA Superimposer]

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