

Oakland   Joined September 5th, 2006
73 Instructables   5,162,581 Views   732 Comments   896 Followers

I run Neal's CNC in Hayward, CA, an expert CNC cutting and fabrication service, easily findable by Google search. I'm a founding member of Noisebridge, a hackerspace in San Francisco, and Ace Makerspace (formerly Ace Monster Toys), in Oakland. I also build interactive public art, rebuild mattresses, 3d print Escher drawings, and, you know, stuff.

rachel's Instructables

Mustache Ride

Mustache Ride



Pulse of the City

Pulse of the City

Iron Merkin

Iron Merkin

Dr Seuss Inspired Desk

Dr Seuss Inspired Desk

Reupholster a Chair From the Bones Up

Reupholster a Chair From the Bones Up

Laser Mohawk

Laser Mohawk

Articulated M.C. Escher "Curl-up" Model

Articulated M.C. Escher "Curl-up" Model

Cast Pewter Coat Clasps

Cast Pewter Coat Clasps

Acrylic Bracelets

Acrylic Bracelets

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