

0   Joined July 11th, 2008
22 Instructables   1,181,907 Views   426 Comments   298 Followers

qs's Instructables

Joule Thief LED Circuits

Joule Thief LED Circuits

A Triple Channel Musicator - the TriM...

A Triple Channel Musicator - the TriM...

Musicator Jr - Mk 2

Musicator Jr - Mk 2

USB-powered Musicator

USB-powered Musicator

A Solar Powered Reading Light

A Solar Powered Reading Light

QS's Blinkie Thingie

QS's Blinkie Thingie

The "Reverse Joule Thief" Battery Charger

The "Reverse Joule Thief" Battery Charger

A Wearable Sound-to-light Display, Without a Microprocessor - the Musicator Junior.

A Wearable Sound-to-light Display, Without a Microprocessor - the Musicator Junior.

RGB LED Color Sequencer - Without a Microprocessor

RGB LED Color Sequencer - Without a Microprocessor

High Efficiency 9-volt LED Flashlight With Touch Control

High Efficiency 9-volt LED Flashlight With Touch Control

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