

Corpus Christi, TX   Joined June 15th, 2007
3 Instructables   253,064 Views   21 Comments   59 Followers

I'm a Family Nurse Practitioner in both the clinic and the ER. When I'm at home, I build composite sandwich surfboards in my spare time. I only make a couple at a time, a few a year, so it is anything but a business. Growing up in Alaska and Mexico, not having the "right" stuff to complete a project was the rule rather than the exception. The up side of that was it helped me to learn to improvise, and to never be afraid to tackle a difficult project. There is NOTHING I love more than fin…

psychsurf's Instructables

Making a Leather Briefcase/Messenger More Organized and CCW-friendly

Making a Leather Briefcase/Messenger More Organized and CCW-friendly

Ultimate Pregnant Mom Costume.

Ultimate Pregnant Mom Costume.

Composite Sandwich Skateboard

Composite Sandwich Skateboard

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