

Omaha, NE    Joined January 9th, 2014
4 Instructables   327,455 Views   43 Comments   155 Followers

ppeters0502's Instructables

Secure All the Wifi With a VPN - Access Point!

Secure All the Wifi With a VPN - Access Point!

Build Your Own "Weasley" Location Clock!

Build Your Own "Weasley" Location Clock!

DIY Gag Gift for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Fan

DIY Gag Gift for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Fan

Build Your Own Teardrop Camping Trailer!

Build Your Own Teardrop Camping Trailer!

Raspberry Pi Projects

Raspberry Pi Projects

View all Instructables


10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the CNC Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Grand Prize in the First Time Author Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Survival Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Epilog Contest VII