

Nottingham, UK   Joined June 6th, 2006
12 Instructables   1,071,008 Views   259 Comments   582 Followers

A member of instructables since 2006 I'm currently cruising at an improving 0.917 instructables a year...

phenoptix's Instructables

Pocket Sized Robot Arm - MeArm V3.0 - Small, Hackable, Open Source

Pocket Sized Robot Arm - MeArm V3.0 - Small, Hackable, Open Source

Distance Sensing With the Micro:bit and Sonar (HC-SR04 Module)

Distance Sensing With the Micro:bit and Sonar (HC-SR04 Module)

Programming Chips With Your Arduino - AVR ISP Covering ATTiny85, ATTiny2313 and ATMega328

Programming Chips With Your Arduino - AVR ISP Covering ATTiny85, ATTiny2313 and ATMega328

MeArm V1.1 - Tiny Open Source Robot Arm - Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Micro:bit Compatible

MeArm V1.1 - Tiny Open Source Robot Arm - Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Micro:bit Compatible

MeArm Robot Arm - Your Robot - V1.0 - Arduino Robotic Project

MeArm Robot Arm - Your Robot - V1.0 - Arduino Robotic Project

Pocket Sized Robot Arm MeArm V0.4

Pocket Sized Robot Arm MeArm V0.4

MeArm - Build a Small Hackable Robot Arm V0.3

MeArm - Build a Small Hackable Robot Arm V0.3

Building an ISP Shield for Arduino

Building an ISP Shield for Arduino

The Cylon - Larson Scanner Kit - With Charlieplexing!

The Cylon - Larson Scanner Kit - With Charlieplexing!

Rainbow Jar - RGB Pixel Strip Controlled Via Arduino

Rainbow Jar - RGB Pixel Strip Controlled Via Arduino

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