

Delmarva   Joined April 14th, 2009
47 Instructables   1,300,985 Views   3,778 Comments   373 Followers

I was pfred1 but moved, changed my email address, and lost my password. I suppose worse things could happen.

pfred2's Instructables

Cheap CNC Dos and Don'ts

Cheap CNC Dos and Don'ts

Pimping My Arduino

Pimping My Arduino

Hotgluing Erasers to an Arduino

Hotgluing Erasers to an Arduino

My Guide to AVR Transistortesters

My Guide to AVR Transistortesters

Make Righty Scissors Lefty Ones

Make Righty Scissors Lefty Ones

How I Build an Electronic Kit

How I Build an Electronic Kit

What Is a Bad Capacitor?

What Is a Bad Capacitor?

Pivoting Arm Vise Mount Build

Pivoting Arm Vise Mount Build

4x6 Bandsaw Vise Jackscrew

4x6 Bandsaw Vise Jackscrew

Noisy Computer Fan Repair

Noisy Computer Fan Repair

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