

CA   Joined March 13th, 2011
7 Instructables   122,257 Views   51 Comments   41 Followers

I'm a systems engineer who lives and works in Pasadena, CA. My work for JPL is now in space riding with astronauts (and measuring the constituent particles in astronaut's air) on the ISS! I am a 2018 graduate of Harvey Mudd College in CA who loves to play sports and to run, and I always like to play a good game of Ultimate Frisbee. I was also a scout, so I greatly enjoy camping, tying knots, cooking over a fire, practicing first aid, and hiking. I was raised by my father to be super cheap, alth…

pandadude's Instructables

Build a Realistic Insect From Wire

Build a Realistic Insect From Wire

Modular Milk Crate Couch

Modular Milk Crate Couch

Lobster Antennae Bracelets/Rings

Lobster Antennae Bracelets/Rings

Waterproof Crushproof Tic-Tac Matchbox

Waterproof Crushproof Tic-Tac Matchbox

Awesome Firestarters From Everyday Bathroom Objects

Awesome Firestarters From Everyday Bathroom Objects

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