

POBEDY str., house # 49, build. #3, flat #17, BELGOROD, 308000, RUSSIAN FEDERATION   Joined October 17th, 2017
25 Instructables   69,737 Views   23 Comments   57 Followers

I wb in Belgorod Russia. In 2002 I graduated from Belgorod STU mechanical engineering and CAD. In 2004 I'v defended the dissertation "CAD for ball mill". I am a lecturer in BSTU. My hobby is 3D and "real world" modeling of different types of technic.

nml235l's Instructables

Rope in Tension Without Knots

Rope in Tension Without Knots

Escape From a Maze ...

Escape From a Maze ...

Windowsill Clothes Dryer

Windowsill Clothes Dryer



Onion Man (solar Dryer)

Onion Man (solar Dryer)

Blocks Not Only for a Bench

Blocks Not Only for a Bench

Medieval Ship

Medieval Ship

Monkeys' Company

Monkeys' Company

Dyno's Mosaic

Dyno's Mosaic

Tower Launcher

Tower Launcher

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