

0   Joined May 30th, 2014
43 Instructables   351,917 Views   243 Comments   325 Followers

Hi there! My name is Katarina, and me and my partner have been running our small computer repair business since 2008. In addition to my expertise in IT, I am also passionate about DIY and crafts. I am always eager to learn new techniques and expand my knowledge. Whether it’s creating something from scratch or fixing something that’s broken, I love the challenge and satisfaction that come with it.

nerdyKat's Instructables

Plastic Bottles Into Handbag

Plastic Bottles Into Handbag

Useless Box

Useless Box

Wooden Bird Feeder

Wooden Bird Feeder

Cardboard Magic Mushroom Lamp

Cardboard Magic Mushroom Lamp

Infinity Bear

Infinity Bear

Upcycled Motherboard Notepad Gift Set

Upcycled Motherboard Notepad Gift Set

Two-Faced LED Pumpkin Cake

Two-Faced LED Pumpkin Cake

Scrubs to Work Overall

Scrubs to Work Overall

Hand Carved Heart Pendant

Hand Carved Heart Pendant

Cardboard Smurfette Lamp

Cardboard Smurfette Lamp

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