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mrmath's Instructables

MCP23S08 With Arduino

MCP23S08 With Arduino

Running an HD44780 Display Off the ATmega on a Gertboard

Running an HD44780 Display Off the ATmega on a Gertboard

Voiceberry Pi!

Voiceberry Pi!

Driving an HD44780 Display Using a Shift Register and a Raspberry Pi

Driving an HD44780 Display Using a Shift Register and a Raspberry Pi

Using a Shift Register With Raspberry Pi

Using a Shift Register With Raspberry Pi

Using a Keypad With Raspberry Pi

Using a Keypad With Raspberry Pi

Charlieplexing With the Raspberry Pi

Charlieplexing With the Raspberry Pi

Sprinkle-Master 5000

Sprinkle-Master 5000

Adding a Picture to a Facebook Status Update

Adding a Picture to a Facebook Status Update

Installing Joomla! 1.5

Installing Joomla! 1.5

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