

0   Joined November 14th, 2008
7 Instructables   662,382 Views   9 Comments   53 Followers

mekoolu's Instructables

Star Wars Ornithopter / X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter

Star Wars Ornithopter / X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter

Ultimate Shots Pong

Ultimate Shots Pong

Wooden Kinetic Dog-chasing-tail

Wooden Kinetic Dog-chasing-tail

Mario's Power-up Dish

Mario's Power-up Dish

Portable Milk Splatter

Portable Milk Splatter

View all Instructables


10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Third Prize in the I Made It Photo Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the April Fools Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Snow Contest 2

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Snow Sculpture Speed Contest