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4 Instructables   10,030 Views   2 Comments   12 Followers

mcvella's Instructables

Practical AI - a Local LLM and Machine Learning for Plant Care (in Less Than 50 Lines of Code)

Practical AI - a Local LLM and Machine Learning for Plant Care (in Less Than 50 Lines of Code)

Modernize a 1980s Robot

Modernize a 1980s Robot

Hack Skellington - AI-powered Halloween Skeleton

Hack Skellington - AI-powered Halloween Skeleton

Build an Outdoor Rover With a Raspberry Pi: Simple, Useful and Affordable

Build an Outdoor Rover With a Raspberry Pi: Simple, Useful and Affordable

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10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Halloween Contest