

Ventura, cA   Joined October 28th, 2008
9 Instructables   928,610 Views   173 Comments   200 Followers

mcorbin's Instructables

Gingerbread  Cityscape

Gingerbread Cityscape

Gopher-Proof Tomatoes

Gopher-Proof Tomatoes

Pumpkin People of Southern California

Pumpkin People of Southern California

Halloween Garage Door Silhouette

Halloween Garage Door Silhouette

Driftwood Christmas Tree

Driftwood Christmas Tree

View all Instructables


100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Make it Glow!

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Halloween Decor Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Gingerbread House Slideshow Contest