

New Zealand   Joined April 20th, 2008
14 Instructables   25,520 Views   57 Comments   12 Followers

always try to develop your own code, circuit, equation from your own understanding.

mcgurkryan's Instructables

Ascii Halftone Image

Ascii Halftone Image

Learn a Language: Shopping List Translator and Print on Thermal Printer QR701

Learn a Language: Shopping List Translator and Print on Thermal Printer QR701

BFO Metal Detector

BFO Metal Detector

Measure Wavelength of Laser Pointer.

Measure Wavelength of Laser Pointer.

Simple Sextant

Simple Sextant

Generate VGA Signals Using a PSoC 5LP

Generate VGA Signals Using a PSoC 5LP

Simple DC - DC Boost Converter Using 555

Simple DC - DC Boost Converter Using 555

Component Impedance Using Complex Maths

Component Impedance Using Complex Maths

Simple Graphics on 16*2 LCD Display

Simple Graphics on 16*2 LCD Display

CAP Booby-trap

CAP Booby-trap

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