

0   Joined February 28th, 2006
49 Instructables   1,623,913 Views   484 Comments   1,043 Followers

Send me a message if you're interested in Technology or Science Workshops in Flanders, Brussels or the Southern of the Netherlands. I have over 20 years of experience in developing and giving creative workshops for children (and sometimes adults): rockets, mousetrap cars, solar powered vehicles, hovercrafts, RC blimps... Another hobby of mine is sculpting things, mainly dolls...

masynmachien's Instructables

Laser Cut Posable Figure

Laser Cut Posable Figure

Laser Cut Rubber Band Three Wheeler

Laser Cut Rubber Band Three Wheeler

Simple Laser Cut Tree Building System.

Simple Laser Cut Tree Building System.

No Glue Laser Cut Whistle

No Glue Laser Cut Whistle

3D Printed Nested Dolls

3D Printed Nested Dolls

Laser Cut Star Trek Enterprise Model

Laser Cut Star Trek Enterprise Model

Masynmachien's Blimp Projects

Masynmachien's Blimp Projects

Another Blimp of an Eye: Improved WiRC Remote Control

Another Blimp of an Eye: Improved WiRC Remote Control

Build an RC Blimp for Less Than $13

Build an RC Blimp for Less Than $13

Masynmachien's Workshops

Masynmachien's Workshops

View all Instructables