

0   Joined January 11th, 2009
32 Instructables   295,191 Views   135 Comments   134 Followers

I am a hobbyist with an interest in open-source software, 3D printing, science and electronics. Please visit my store or Patreon page to help support my work!

marciot's Instructables

The Color Mixing Puzzle

The Color Mixing Puzzle

Build the Rainbow Apparatus

Build the Rainbow Apparatus

80s Style Melting Digital "Dali" Clock

80s Style Melting Digital "Dali" Clock

Build an Arduino LED Matrix With Concentrating Lenses

Build an Arduino LED Matrix With Concentrating Lenses

Real-Life Animated Greeting Cards

Real-Life Animated Greeting Cards

The Heart of a Machine (A Laser Micro-Projector)

The Heart of a Machine (A Laser Micro-Projector)

DIY Laser Steering Module for Arduino

DIY Laser Steering Module for Arduino

Make an Illuminated Rainbow Synthesizer With an Arduino!

Make an Illuminated Rainbow Synthesizer With an Arduino!

Automatic Guitar From the Guts of a 3D Printer

Automatic Guitar From the Guts of a 3D Printer

A Water Shutoff Tool for Emergencies

A Water Shutoff Tool for Emergencies

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