

0   Joined June 13th, 2007
5 Instructables   923,966 Views   22 Comments   129 Followers

I am one of those weird teen-age Christian homeschoolers, the kind that thinks their family is awesome and thinks that living on a farm is cool.

kitchenwench's Instructables

Peppermint Patties and Junior Mints

Peppermint Patties and Junior Mints

Funky Yo-Yo Scarf

Funky Yo-Yo Scarf

Double Chocolate Cheesecake With Chocolate Ganache

Double Chocolate Cheesecake With Chocolate Ganache

Fire-Breathing Dragon Cake!!

Fire-Breathing Dragon Cake!!

Apple, Cheddar & Bacon Sourdough Sandwich

Apple, Cheddar & Bacon Sourdough Sandwich

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