

Colorado   Joined August 27th, 2008
49 Instructables   458,271 Views   290 Comments   367 Followers

...after 30 years of becoming corporately numb, my dreams of not working (for pay) and instead creating with my hands has become a reality. Life is grand!

kcli's Instructables

Dictionary Paper Snowflake

Dictionary Paper Snowflake

Phrenology Helmet

Phrenology Helmet

Stamping a Rememberance

Stamping a Rememberance

Bits of Brain Matter Appetizers

Bits of Brain Matter Appetizers

Best. Butterfinger Bites. Ever.

Best. Butterfinger Bites. Ever.

Spooky (and Yummy!) Shapes

Spooky (and Yummy!) Shapes

Using an Inkjet Printer to Create a Souvenir Pillow

Using an Inkjet Printer to Create a Souvenir Pillow



Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites

Quick Peanut Butter Pie (Gluten Free!)

Quick Peanut Butter Pie (Gluten Free!)

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