

Casa Grande,AZ   Joined April 4th, 2008
12 Instructables   2,200,111 Views   202 Comments   389 Followers

We spend our youth trying desperately to fit in, and then the rest of our adult life doing whatever we can to stand out in the crowd.

kaptaink_cg's Instructables

Ultimate Blacklight BattleShots!

Ultimate Blacklight BattleShots!

Grandma's Orange Zest Cookies

Grandma's Orange Zest Cookies

Anti-3D Glasses

Anti-3D Glasses

Bacon Roses

Bacon Roses

Build a 6'-0" Tall Wooden T-Rex Model

Build a 6'-0" Tall Wooden T-Rex Model

"Phi" Wall Art

"Phi" Wall Art

Glass Etching Using Toner Transfer Templates

Glass Etching Using Toner Transfer Templates

Plaster Models for School Project ("Plaster- Mache")

Plaster Models for School Project ("Plaster- Mache")

Handheld Rocket Launcher!!

Handheld Rocket Launcher!!

Build a Paintball Mine

Build a Paintball Mine

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