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6 Instructables   94,742 Views   18 Comments   69 Followers

jwolin's Instructables

Smart World Map With Data Screens and DMX Programmable Lighting

Smart World Map With Data Screens and DMX Programmable Lighting

Bearded Iris - Divide and Conquer

Bearded Iris - Divide and Conquer

Web-Connected SMART LED Animation Clock With Web-based Control Panel, Time Server Synchronized

Web-Connected SMART LED Animation Clock With Web-based Control Panel, Time Server Synchronized

Smart Map of Idaho With LED Data + Art

Smart Map of Idaho With LED Data + Art

Motorized Sit or Stand, Landscape or Portrait Monitor (Arduino + Autohotkey)

Motorized Sit or Stand, Landscape or Portrait Monitor (Arduino + Autohotkey)

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10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Maps Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Arduino Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the LED Contest 2017

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Microcontroller Contest 2017