

0   Joined February 14th, 2013
6 Instructables   133,303 Views   2 Comments   23 Followers

jtinst's Instructables

Accurate Angle Cuts on a Horizontal Bandsaw

Accurate Angle Cuts on a Horizontal Bandsaw

Desk Brackets

Desk Brackets

How to Use a Horizontal Bandsaw (With Accuracy and Precision)

How to Use a Horizontal Bandsaw (With Accuracy and Precision)

Tig Rod Feeder (Bin Wall Challenge)

Tig Rod Feeder (Bin Wall Challenge)

Quick Electric Sit-to-Stand Desk

Quick Electric Sit-to-Stand Desk

View all Instructables


10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Jury Rig It! Contest