jolly hockey sticks

jolly hockey sticks

London   Joined April 30th, 2020
2 Instructables   2,556 Views   0 Comments   1 Followers

G'day! I'm experimenting with making bee's from old t shirts, wool felt and upcycled plastic. I work for a theatre in education company called Freshwater Theatre, we bring the school curriculum to life... and for now whilst in lock down I'm getting into making something from nothing. Getting into the 4 R's of refuse - reduce - reuse - recycle. And thinking about helping preserve our precious bees which are having a bit of hard time too. If you got time to read more about bees start here http…

jolly hockey sticks's Instructables

Honey Bee From Scraps & Felted Wool

Honey Bee From Scraps & Felted Wool

Bumble Bee Made From Scraps & Felted Wool

Bumble Bee Made From Scraps & Felted Wool

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