

Colorado   Joined April 20th, 2005
74 Instructables   4,013,360 Views   144 Comments   308 Followers

I like to tinker with just about anything, sometimes it works out in the end. Have fun looking at the projects, try tearing something open and let me know how it goes. cheers, -Joe

joe's Instructables

Intel Edison Garage Monitor and Alert System

Intel Edison Garage Monitor and Alert System

Intel Edison Fat Bike Tire Analyzer

Intel Edison Fat Bike Tire Analyzer

Intel Galileo Garage Monitor

Intel Galileo Garage Monitor

​Be Right Back...

​Be Right Back...

TankWars: a Physical Video Game

TankWars: a Physical Video Game

Tankbot - Internet Controlled Tank Robot

Tankbot - Internet Controlled Tank Robot

CatBot: Automated Cat Laser

CatBot: Automated Cat Laser

Visual Network Threat Level Indicator V2

Visual Network Threat Level Indicator V2

Visual Network Threat Level Indicator

Visual Network Threat Level Indicator

Arduino 8x8 Matrix LED Game

Arduino 8x8 Matrix LED Game

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