

Kansas   Joined July 12th, 2013
8 Instructables   947,593 Views   230 Comments   382 Followers

At home, you can find me with my wife and three boys, maybe practicing violin, guitar or piano, in the garage doing some woodworking, bicycling, at the computer, learning small electronics, video editing, surfing Instructables and planning what's next. In the community you can find serving on boards, fundraising and advocating for parks, bike paths and sidewalks. At work you can find me at a desk, reading, analyzing, researching, writing, meeting, public speaking and advocating. But most …

jhawkins14's Instructables

Dark and Eerie Fish Tank

Dark and Eerie Fish Tank

Make Tapered Legs From a 2x4

Make Tapered Legs From a 2x4

Make a Better Than New Aquarium Stand

Make a Better Than New Aquarium Stand

Donkey Kong Bartop Arcade Powered by RPi

Donkey Kong Bartop Arcade Powered by RPi

A Kid-Friendly Rabbit Hotel

A Kid-Friendly Rabbit Hotel

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