

0   Joined March 6th, 2020
11 Instructables   9,138 Views   12 Comments   20 Followers

I'm an Lord of the Rings fan (books, not movies) and lover of many fantasy books, as well as a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

horsehopinghannah's Instructables

Star Wars Kyber Crystal Container Prop

Star Wars Kyber Crystal Container Prop

Padme's Jappor Snippet

Padme's Jappor Snippet

Easy Grogu's Blue Cookies (Not Macarons!)

Easy Grogu's Blue Cookies (Not Macarons!)

Rose Tico's Haysian Smelt Necklace

Rose Tico's Haysian Smelt Necklace

Iron Man Suitcase From Iron Man 2

Iron Man Suitcase From Iron Man 2

Yondu Udonta's Arrow Prop

Yondu Udonta's Arrow Prop

Minfinity Gauntlet (the Infinity Gauntlet- But Mini!)

Minfinity Gauntlet (the Infinity Gauntlet- But Mini!)

D&D Potion of Healing (That Actually Does Something!)

D&D Potion of Healing (That Actually Does Something!)

Easy Fantasy Tiara

Easy Fantasy Tiara

Wooden Fantasy Knife

Wooden Fantasy Knife

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