

Brown University   Joined May 22nd, 2019
7 Instructables   30,189 Views   6 Comments   23 Followers

Account to share rapid-prototyped scientific devices used in the Harris Lab at Brown Engineering. Our hope is that our posts will serve as accessible launching points for your future applications and designs. (Also check out the Instructables from the undergraduate Advanced Fluids and Mechanical Vibrations courses at Brown: instructables.com/member/BrownUniversityENGN/ )

harrislab's Instructables



Silicone Rubber Floaters With Oomoo 30

Silicone Rubber Floaters With Oomoo 30

Minimal Document Mirror

Minimal Document Mirror

Venturi Flow Rate Sensor

Venturi Flow Rate Sensor

Stepper Motor Pinch Valve

Stepper Motor Pinch Valve

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