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14 Instructables   127,264 Views   34 Comments   57 Followers

gluckc's Instructables

Hand Warmer for Wheelchair User

Hand Warmer for Wheelchair User

Wheelchair Bracket

Wheelchair Bracket

Alexa Enabled Elevator Button

Alexa Enabled Elevator Button

The Amazing Zipper Pants

The Amazing Zipper Pants

Carbon Fiber Heated Liner

Carbon Fiber Heated Liner

Alexa Controlled Solenoid Using WEMO D1 Mini

Alexa Controlled Solenoid Using WEMO D1 Mini

Alexa Enabled Remote Control (using WEMO D1 Mini)

Alexa Enabled Remote Control (using WEMO D1 Mini)

Adaptive Jacket Modification

Adaptive Jacket Modification

DIY BiPap Mask From a Wisp

DIY BiPap Mask From a Wisp

Voice Activated Remote Control Button

Voice Activated Remote Control Button

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10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Judges Prize in the Assistive Tech Contest