

0   Joined October 27th, 2008
12 Instructables   1,260,439 Views   81 Comments   253 Followers

Web developer by day. Gamer by night. Halloween fanatic and DIYer, all the time! My projects tend to combine pop culture, technology, and craftsmanship to produce something that's fun, unique, and more than likely, a great addition for a Halloween party.

flaming_pele!'s Instructables

Bottomless Well Decoration

Bottomless Well Decoration

Building Christine (with Lights and Sound!)

Building Christine (with Lights and Sound!)

Make Your Own "Iron" Throne

Make Your Own "Iron" Throne

Build a Giant Tentacle Monster

Build a Giant Tentacle Monster

Building a Magic Pensieve

Building a Magic Pensieve

Building Magic Moving Stairs

Building Magic Moving Stairs

Duct Tape 20 Sided Computer Server

Duct Tape 20 Sided Computer Server

Making a Motorized Secret Entrance

Making a Motorized Secret Entrance

Building a "Billie Jean" Sidewalk

Building a "Billie Jean" Sidewalk

DIY Home Theater Screen in 10 Steps

DIY Home Theater Screen in 10 Steps

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