

Singapore   Joined March 31st, 2020
7 Instructables   43,946 Views   7 Comments   47 Followers

Hi there, I'm an avid maker on a budget who loves sketching, designing, engineering and everything about life. Residing in Singapore, having your own personal workshop is costly and a luxury. As such, I could only make do with what I have which tends to result in low-cost inventions that are sometimes applicable or quirky. Ah yes, I am an avid advocate for lasercutters and have been working with them for more than 5 years. Pardon me if you see more lasercutter projects than 3D Printing or Ard…

dexterch's Instructables

3D Puzzle: Wooden Toy Plane for Kids

3D Puzzle: Wooden Toy Plane for Kids

Onager Catapult: Reverse Engineering Project

Onager Catapult: Reverse Engineering Project

The "More Accurate" Potato Print

The "More Accurate" Potato Print

Timeless Resin Lamp

Timeless Resin Lamp

Lasercut: Street Maps

Lasercut: Street Maps

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