

Fargo, ND   Joined January 4th, 2009
6 Instructables   1,658,105 Views   283 Comments   231 Followers

Hacker, Artist, Researcher, and founder of the diybookscanner.org community.

daniel_reetz's Instructables

MacGyver a Welding Helmet to View the Solar Eclipse

MacGyver a Welding Helmet to View the Solar Eclipse

Bargain-Price Book Scanner From a Cardboard Box.

Bargain-Price Book Scanner From a Cardboard Box.

DIY Camera Array 2: Computational Refocusing With Just One Camera

DIY Camera Array 2: Computational Refocusing With Just One Camera

Removing Anodizing From Aluminum Quickly and Easily.

Removing Anodizing From Aluminum Quickly and Easily.

4-Hour No-Knead Bread.

4-Hour No-Knead Bread.

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